Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration
Sponsored by the Northwest Accordion Society
Herzlich Willkommen!
JUNE 26-29, 2025
How to Support our Event
You too can support this event!
This letter explains the importance of your support to keep LIAC great.
Contributions by check may be sent to:
5102 NE 121st Ave., Unit 12
Vancouver WA 98682.
Make checks payable to The Northwest Accordion Society.
You may now contribute using Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, or your Bank Card. This is processed through PayPal (you do not have to have a PayPal account to do this). Minimum donation of $10 via PayPal. Business and club donations via PayPal - please email your business name, contact name, address, website address, phone number, etc. to nwas@nwasnews.com.

Here's the latest list of Sponsors
Please thank our wonderful sponsors when you see them
Virtuoso Sponsors
Leavenworth Chamber of Commerce - https://leavenworth.org/
We are so appreciative of the Leavenworth Chamber’s support of our activities at LIAC. We are a multi-day festival, we support the Bavarian theme, we bring people into town, and we have programs at our event to support youth.
City of Leavenworth - https://cityofleavenworth.com/
We are so appreciative to the City of Leavenworth to award LIAC funds from their Leavenworth Fund Grant Program.
Chelan County Lodging Tax Fund - https://www.co.chelan.wa.us/
Thank you again to Chelan County for awarding us funds from their Lodging Tax Fund.
Frank Calapristi memorial fund
We again thank Barbara Calapristi who has generously donated to LIAC in loving memory of her father Frank Calapristi (1932 – 2021).
Projekt Bayern - www.projektbayern.com
Many thanks to Projekt Bayern for their generous financial support of LIAC in past years and their continued appreciation of LIAC.
Business Sponsors
Andreas Keller Restaurant - www.andreaskellerrestaurant.com
Crossroads Bellevue/Day of the Accordion – www.crossroadsbellevue.com
Das Copy Shipping – see on Facebook
France Education Northwest - www.faccpnw.org
French American Chamber of Commerce Seattle-PNW – www.faccpnw.org
Leck Inc. website design – stephenleckenby@gmail.com
Northwest Accordion Society – www.nwasnews.com
Obertal Inn - www.obertal.com
Petosa Accordions - www.petosa.com
Tempo Trend Music – www.tempotrend.ca
Accordion Players, Clubs & Friends of the Accordion
(these donations sponsor our bursary program for young accordion players)
LIAC 2025
Bonnie Birch in memory of Don & Esther Birch
Dr. Rhea Forum and Jeanne Olson
Five Valley Accordion Association
Judith Ames
Micah Bisson
NWAS Seattle Accordion Socials in memory of Tom Demski